Making your own dog food depends upon so many factors. You know your puppy best therefore preparing its food depends on what well you know your dog. Preparing your puppy food will therefore rely on how big canine (whether puppy or large breed), the breed of canine (whether timber wolf, Alsatian, Shepard etc), the condition or the allergy canine is struggling with (whether diabetics, arthritis etc).
Making canine food for puppies differs considerably from making canine food for the large breed dog. Preparing canine food for puppies requires a lot of care. The dog food for puppies should consist more of carbohydrate, protein, vitamins and minerals since they are growing. Therefore the puppy food should include a lot of milk, eggs, meat, fish, carrot and vegetables. Making the meals for the large breed dog however is different.
The large breed food should consist less of protein and carbohydrate. Studies show that substantial intake of protein by large breed dogs could bring about joint pains and arthritis. Large breed dogs may also be not expected to possess substantial intake of carbohydrate and fats either as both make the dogs bigger and unhealthy. mito cat food review in bangladesh
Puppies are said to be fed at the least four times a day. This is because they want the meals as they are growing. They need the meals for their growth. Large breed dogs however do not require to eat excessively. They're already big and do not require the meals for growth. Rather excessive feeding could cause damage for their health.
Therefore feeding twice each day is adequate otherwise they get too big and this may be injurious for their health and consequently hurt them.