1. Tell your Employees about:
a. Security Rules & Policies their Company follow on the First Day they Join the Organization.
b. Accessible & Non-Accessible regions of the Company or factory. Also the Badges or ID's they need to possess to go to these Areas. So that they'll easily report any suspicious person.
c. Visitors Meeting Time & Areas.
d. Things they are allowed to bring in the Gate and Things they need to get reported at security. Thunder Protection Price in Bangladesh
e. Also Light-up dark areas like door-ways, car parking, etc for better employee security.
How exactly to: Use single source of information and make it part of the daily routine for your employees. A daily server broadcast, or an email sent every morning is perfectly adequate. Make it short, sharp and to the point. Keep it practical and don't forget to place a confident note with your precautionary information.
2. Key Control - An Important Control:
a. Give Locking & Un-Locking Workplace Responsibility to few Selected Staff.
b. Eliminate the 'First In, Last Out' method, this will make you access point more secured.
c. Set a routine of checking places as store room, washrooms, cupboards, or any potential hiding places before Locking the Office.
How exactly to: Number your keys and assign a numbered key to a particular member of staff. Create a master key registry and from time to time, ask the employee who has a key assigned to produce it in order to verify that.
3. Few Small Investments are Important as well:
a. Secure your computers - especially laptops - using plate or cable locks.
b. Use two locked doors where you can find small foyers or lobbies.
c. Purchase Paper -Churner, in order that no important documents are lying un-attended.
4. Anti-Virus for anyone Info Spies:
a. Anti-virus software on computer systems, is of Highest Importance.
b. A Firewall, security keys for your wireless routers are also very important.
c. Proper Data or Server Back-up Policies comes handy, in the case of a cyber-attack or data theft.
5. A Smart Receptionist:
a. A full-time receptionist is among the more total security solutions.
b. The receptionist acts as a single indicate funnel security information through, and permits closer inspection of any credentials.
6. Access Control System & Closed Circuit Television (CCTV):
a. A simple swipe card Access Control System, can ensure a full control over who can access your premises and who cannot.
b. Two important considerations for using an access control system are: first - never allow complete use of a lot more than few selected people. This really is important to keep clarity on who is authorized to be where, and make it easier for your staff to spot an infraction and report onto it immediately. Secondly, monitor the utilization of each access card. Review each card activity on a regular basis.
c. CCTV is again quite effective if you need a more stringent degree of security.
d. Cameras ought to be placed in strategic locations for maximum coverage.
e. Via limited broadcast, each camera could be monitored from a single interface. The footage could be recorded digitally, or it could be monitored by an employee.
f. However - understand that CCTV isn't the be-all and end-all; put it to use in tandem with other measures previously discussed.
g. Most Important Call Security Experts for Analysis of your Security procedures & Devices. This may not only keep you updated with latest security tips but may also decrease your security & electronic surveillance maintenance costs.
Allied Lock & Safe Locksmith Is among the Most Trusted Source for Security devoted to Locksmith, Video Surveillance, Access Control, Hardware & Safes for Securing Your Property with the Latest Security Solutions.